Alexandre Kan Visuals

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How To Become A Digital Nomad [work remotely]

Becoming a digital nomad is something everyone wants to do nowadays. Who would not like to travel the world while earning money and experience what life is meant to be. You finally have the freedom to do what you love whenever you want and however you want. 

Sounds like a dream?

Well, let me tell you that this is not impossible, but it requires some hard work to get started.

It won't necessarily cost you much, but following this path will be testing yourself to really know if that is really what you want in your life or if it is just this shiny object you absolutely want but are not willing to work hard to get.

After working online for the past 3 years and experiencing the digital nomad lifestyle for the past year, I wrote a guide that gathers the 6 legitimate ways to make money online in 2019 that gather all my research before taking the leap but here are below couple advice I can give you.

1. Find your why

What is your why? Defining the reason why you want to live this lifestyle will make or break your success.

Many people want to do new things but do not have the will to do them. For instance new year resolutions "this year I need to be more active and will go to the gym 3 times per week". It works for 2-3 weeks and then you give up.

Rings a bell?

Becoming a digital nomad is a lifestyle.

You will need to be disciplined and learn to focus on what really matters in your life.

You become your own boss. Nobody to tell you what to do, when to do it and how to do it.

So, finding your why will help you "keep your North" and create new habits that will become part of your new lifestyle.

2. Learn what you need to reach your goal

Knowledge is the key to success but you need to work smart and not necessarily hard.

When I got started, I have always been curious about the digital nomad lifestyle and how people managed to travel all year long while earning a living.

This was something unbelievable for me. I have always been told that in order to live a "good life" you had to get good grades at school in order to get a good job and potentially a good salary that will then allow me to do what I love.

I did that and I did a burnout. It affected my health but also my social life. It is only then that I made the choice to do more of what I love: travel and photography.

I found myself a mentor, a digital nomad and travel blogger from Australia who introduced me to the social media world and she taught me everything I needed to know to earn a passive income online.

She encouraged me to register to this FREE online class to get an introduction to the online world as a blogger.

My advice to you is to invest in yourself if you believe the life you live today is not the one you were meant to live. Life is too short to postpone until tomorrow something you can do today and live with regrets the older you get.

If you would like to know how to design a laptop lifestyle just by using social media, I encourage you to register to this FREE training from my mentors where they break down step by step how anyone can start working online and earn a living.

3. Live under your means

Becoming a digital nomad as I said is a lifestyle. This is not something you can do from one day to tomorrow as it requires practice. You need to actually test if this lifestyle is really meant for you.

Most digital nomads live in countries where the cost of living is really cheap so that they can make the most out of the money they earn. Destinations like Thailand, Indonesia, Portugal, Mexico, and Colombia have become really popular digital nomad destinations for a few years now.

But you do not need in the beginning to go there. One way for you to practice is to eventually work from home from time to time if your manager allows you to.

This is what Tim Ferriss recommends to do in his book "The 4-hour work week".

Working from home can give you a foretaste of what working on your own can be. There are no colleagues around, no offices to go to, no commuting. I personally find myself more productive working from home, but again it depends on everyone.

Digital nomads are also minimalists, meaning that they own what is actually necessary for them to maintain their lifestyle. They'd mostly travel with one big backpack carrying their day to day essentials and a carry-on luggage that includes their gadgets and work tools.

So if you like shopping and own a lot of things, start maybe by getting rid of all the things you haven't used for the past 3 weeks and see how this will make you feel and affect your daily life.

4. Develop digital nomad skills to work from anywhere

We are all great at something. Just find what you are good at and go towards that direction. I am tech savvy and like to break complicated things into simple things (I believe that comes from my scientific background when I was studying). So that’s the reason why I decided to become a content creator and also become a social media coach to teach people how to get started online even if they have no clue of how to use social media.

Whether you want to become a photographer, a film-maker, a social media marketer, a social media influencer, an online shop owner, a graphic designer, etc… the opportunities are endless.

But what I’d recommend you to do are 3 things:

  • Get the education you need to become great at what you do. Nowadays it is very easy to find online courses that teach you what you need to start earning a living from it.
    I mentioned earlier the FREE online web-class or you can use learning platforms like Skillshare that provides more than 24,000 classes.

  • Find yourself a mentor, someone who is already where you want to be and can help you fast-track your success by avoiding to commit the same mistakes they did. I offer my mentorship or social media consulting sessions to help you setup and scale up your business online. Feel free to book a session with me if you are interested. The first session lasts 30 minutes and is FREE. You’ve got nothing to lose. :)

  • Be part of a community of like-minded people who strive for the same goal as you and can support you whenever you need.

That is what I did when I got started and it helped me so much to get the information I needed when I was stuck or was not getting the results I needed. My mentor just told me the mistake I was doing and it saved me hours or even days of trying to find the solution on my own online.

5. Create at least a one year plan

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Have a plan and know what you will do during your first year as a digital nomad. As I said it is a lifestyle and no one has taught us how to live this way, this is something you will have to learn on the go. 

So having a plan like a daily routine, or a travel itinerary or a base of clients that you can work with to help you maintain your lifestyle will help you a lot during rainy days.

Also, have a backup plan in case things do not work the way you imagined. 

6. Join a digital nomad community

As I said being part of a group of like-minded people will help you maintain your mindset but also your lifestyle. Learn where digital nomads hang out and go join them, whether it is online or somewhere around the world.

There are many facebook groups and co-working spaces you can join in order to network with other people sharing this lifestyle and learn from one another’s experiences.

I hope you will find these advice helpful and that it will give you some guidelines if you are interested in becoming a digital nomad. Living this life has many perks like working from different remote offices all around the world, travel to amazing countries and experience their cultures and of course become your own boss and earn a living online.

That’s the power of Internet and knowing how to leverage online tools to earn a passive income.

It is said that by 2035 there will be 1 billion digital nomads worldwide and that the work in offices like we know today will change within the next 10 years as people will start working remotely more and more.

This is something we can already start seeing nowadays with tech companies like Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Airbnb etc… that allow their employees to work from home or from one of their remote offices all around the world!

If you would like to learn more about how to become a digital nomad, I’d encourage you to grab my step by step guide, where I break down more in depth the steps you need to take to transition from your 9to5 and become financially and location independent.

In this ebook, you will learn:

👉 What is a digital nomad
👉 The ups of this lifestyle
👉The downs of this lifestyle
👉What to do before you start
👉7 most profitable ways to make money online nowadays
👉How to choose the right online career
👉How to get ready for your new lifestyle
👉Where to find like-minded people to network with

Just click on the “add to cart” button below to get your copy.

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Safe travels

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